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"...My little brother, who has dyslexia, worked with Ms. Camille for a little over a year and thrived with his lessons.  I watched him do his weekly classes and wanted to do them, too, but I didn’t know if they’d work for me. Plus, I was already 17...My brain injury didn’t limit me. The education system did. I’m thankful Ms. Camille stepped in and helped me see my potential. I’m so proud to say that I’m a reader!"

​"When I was in public school, I was told that I didn’t need to be in reading recovery programs because I would never be able to read past a 2nd-grade reading level.  I suffered a stroke at birth, and it caused some learning issues. However, I knew that if given the chance, my dream of being able to read would come true.


My little brother, who has dyslexia, worked with Ms. Camille for a little over a year and thrived with his lessons.  I watched him do his weekly classes and wanted to do them, too, but I didn’t know if they’d work for me. Plus, I was already 17. Finally, I signed up.  It took a year and a half, but I went from a 2nd-grade reading level to a 9th-grade reading level, and I can read several 12th-grade words, too! 


I wish my former teachers could see me now. They gave up on me, but Ms. Camille didn’t.  She was patient with me, and she understood when I needed a break or was struggling and couldn’t do my lessons that week. But she never gave up on me.  She believed in me, and that helped me to believe in myself.


My brain injury didn’t limit me. The education system did. I’m thankful Ms. Camille stepped in and helped me see my potential. I’m so proud to say that I’m a reader!


If you’re wondering whether or not to have Ms. Camille work with your child, my advice is to just do it. I’ve seen it work with my little brother, and I know it worked for me.  I’m currently enrolled in an online college diploma course, and that’s all because of Ms. Camille.

Thank you, Ms. Camille, for believing in me.  I’ll never forget it."

Nandini l Texas
"By the end of the school year not only was he reading at grade level, but his grades had also gone up dramatically."

​"Early in the second grade, we got a shock progress report that said that our son was not reading at the correct level. This was a surprise to us, as we always prioritized reading in our house. After a few tests, we determined that he had a reading disorder. Upon hearing this, we spoke with Camille and began working with her. By the end of the school year not only was he reading at grade level, but his grades had also gone up dramatically. He is now an early third-grader reading at a late third-grade level and just brought home an all-A report card."

Greg | Florida
"Camille Allred is an absolute joy to work with. Her knowledge and skill are just what we have been looking for. Our son has excelled with her help."

"Camille Allred is an absolute joy to work with. Her knowledge and skill are just what we have been looking for. Our son has excelled with her help. In the year we have been with her his reading level has skyrocketed along with improvement in all his classes. We will be forever grateful for her help in helping unlock our son's ability to read."

Kathlyn | Utah
"Not only is she a talented teacher, but she has patience and understanding and was so good with my son on the days that he felt like a complete failure. She encouraged him and never gave up on him and in one year, he went from a 2nd grade reading level to a 6th grade reading level. "

"One of the scariest things about realizing that your child has dyslexia is the fear that you’re going to fail them. As a parent, there’s this deep fear that you’re not doing enough or that you are doing enough, but it’s the wrong things that you’re doing. There are so many options and so many choices, and it can be overwhelming to try to narrow them down and pick the one that best suits your child’s needs. My husband I have made so many mistakes in trying to help our son with his reading challenges, but the best choice that we ever made was signing him up for Lexercise with Camille Allred.

During his 5th grade year, I happened upon a blog post that mentioned Lexercise, and my son took the free online screening. It showed that, at age 11, our son had the reading level of a 2nd grader. Fortunately, our son’s screening was passed on to Camille Allred, a Lexercise reading specialist, who called us and explained the program to us step by step.

Camille was a Godsend to us. Not only is she a talented teacher, but she has patience and understanding and was so good with my son on the days that he felt like a complete failure. She encouraged him and never gave up on him and in one year, he went from a 2nd grade reading level to a 6th grade reading level. Now that he can read, his grades have taken off, and the best part is that he’s now reading for fun.

We will be forever grateful that Camille called us that day and that we took a chance on both her and Lexercise. Our son’s entire future has now changed. Being able to read is the key that opens the door to so many possibilities. Thank you, Camille, for handing our son that key."

Leslie and Simeon | Texas
"I chose basic therapy since I’ve spent years of being his support and tutor at home that I felt I could do it and that the knowledge I learn could only help me further continue that role for him.  His therapist is Camille Allred and she is an amazing teacher and support to us.  She answers every question we have and gladly checks in with us to make sure we are doing well in the program.  It is great to have Camille as a resource."

"My son Roman has received services since he was in preschool, but he did not start Lexercise until the end of 6th grade and I really wish I had found this program sooner! If I can only emphasize one thing about the program is, it works. We needed it years ago for our son but I am so grateful we are doing it now.


I was concerned with his reading, spelling and writing being below grade level and going into middle school, even after the help the school was providing him. That’s when I started to look for outside help and found Lexercise.


I chose basic therapy since I’ve spent years of being his support and tutor at home that I felt I could do it and that the knowledge I learn could only help me further continue that role for him.  His therapist is Camille Allred and she is an amazing teacher and support to us.  She answers every question we have and gladly checks in with us to make sure we are doing well in the program.  It is great to have Camille as a resource.


We are only halfway through and I just love the structure of the program.  Not only does the repetition built into the program help, but it also builds their confidence. The program has now helped him in multiple areas of struggle.  He no longer often asks how to spell a word; his writing speed and fluency have improved and he has become a more confident reader.


I asked my son Roman to write a testimonial and this is what he had to say, “Lexercise is a really good learning system by helping kids any age get over their struggles in school or other. This really helped me get over reading and writing struggles and I’m only half way done.”


If you’re on the fence, you will not be disappointed.  And if you’re able to begin the program at an earlier age than my son, I would recommend that.  We make the time for it but middle school is faster pace and there was much more flexibility during those elementary school years. I really do love the program and it didn’t take me very long to come to that conclusion.  Thank you, Camille, and thank you Lexercise."

Christina and Roman | Arizona
I would recommend Lexercise to anyone whose child is struggling with reading, spelling, and/or learning disabilities. You won't regret it!"

"Henry has been using the parent-led Lexercise program for almost a year. The progress he has made is amazing! The program is geared toward children who may have struggled or rejected traditional dyslexia options. That was certainly the case for us. We have enjoyed using the program and playing the practice games during our homeschool days.


Camille Allred has been so helpful to us. Knowing that there is support behind the program is a huge key in our success. Sometimes I need help too!


I would recommend Lexercise to anyone whose child is struggling with reading, spelling, and/or learning disabilities. You won't regret it!


Lexercise has changed our view of learning and I am so pleased that we gave it a chance. I can't wait till Henry can feel the achievement of finishing the program!"

Courtney | California
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